Sunday, July 17, 2016

Buddhism for open mind ( part 1 )

Buddhism , Atheism and agnosticism

These articles are not for introducing Buddhism for beginners but for feed problems  of people who have gained sufficient background knowledge on Buddhism .

Atheism is often defined as not believing any super natural creator or creator god either in  physical or non physical form. But sometimes expands to not believing any supernatural thing or any thing beyond sensual reality. While Agnosticism is being not sure about those things and ignoring them without rejecting them strongly.

What theory of them match Buddhism closely ? many people believe it is agnosticism. But actually it is not. Buddha is omniscient and knows every thing that happening and already happened in this universe . That's why Buddha is called "Loka vidu." but Buddha's intention is not to describe them all ( his total understanding ) to people but to show them how to get rid from the most terrible problem they are suffering , "The dukkha " ( pain due to various reasons including birth , aging , diseases and death. )
So Buddha is well understood about the problem of God . He knows clearly whether there is a god or not. But the problem is what you define as god.

The God , gods and Buddha

All must know following facts are clearly mentioned in Buddhist gospel about god and they are agreeable by any Buddhist sect.

 There is no  either physical or non physical single creator or multiple creators who created this earth , universe , trees , animals or human . simply the universe is not created by any one.

This should be understand clearly by your own knowledge. There are conventions implemented by language and human knowledge.  What's the meaning of creation?. A carpenter can make a chair . Engineer can make a car.  A scientist can make a robot. Are they creators ? Some may satisfy to name them as creators but some may not. why? Although they created chair , car and robot they all created them by available raw materials around them. They didn't created wood , cellulose, carbon atoms hydrogen atoms or metals that were used by them. And who made them ? No answer. But if theres a person who claim that  he created them some may satisfy to call him creator but some may not. why? who made elements? who made sub atomic particles ? who made quarks ? the problem is not solving. we can imagine there is a person who created primary matter . But another may claim that he made a complex thing from that. This may become a mess.

 Actually there are many things that can change the existence. It is  the first law of Buddha. The changing ( anicca ) and it is eternal. Things are changing naturally, and all animals, beings even amoebas and micro organisms can change the environment . and they are not creators. Buddha is not satisfy to identify any one as a creator. every one claim some amount of creation of this world but every claim has many discrepancies.

 Ants can change soil in to a complex tunnel system. Termites can create anthills. Birds can build up nests. Tiny polyps can create massive coral reefs. Humans can build up big cities and many amazing things . So all of them are creators for some extent. If there are creatures superior to men by power and wisdom could be contribute to the creation fantasy by creating unbelievable things. Wait , Does Buddhism accept there are creatures superior to men.

Buddhism clearly states there are supernatural superhuman beings and accepts their existence in this sensual universe.

Although this may upset modern atheists , Buddha accepts it. Tipitaka is full of teachings  by Buddha about these superhuman beings and suttas  that said to be directly preached to them . Actually it is mentioned that one fifths of a Buddha's day was reserved to preach those supernatural creatures ,three fifths for preach humans and rest for other works including two hour sleeping time.
These supernatural creatures of numerous types are commonly translated to English as gods by convention. But it is totally different from western understanding. ( or Hindu belief )

Who claim they are creators ?

 Some of extremely superhuman creatures are claiming they are creators . These theories are mentioned in Brahmajala sutta in deegha nikaya. There are two types of claiments.
Some actually know they didn't created the universe but pretend them as creator before inferior creatures . There are others who have misunderstood they are the creator and  themselves as highest and most powerful  being in universe. There are some incidents about debates between Buddha and those pretenders and eventually they assume they didn't created the world. For further knowledge please read the mentioned sutta.
( mara of highest heaven , maha brahma of lower brahma world , brahmas of higher four brahma worlds pretend them selves as world creator but actually not . )

What evidence Buddha present to disprove all claiments of creation.

Buddha don't want to disprove creationism. Buddha accept the right off people to hold any theory or even pretend them selves as creators . But for getting rid of pain that Buddha wishes to eliminate its  necessary to give up the strong belief on any creators existence or any ones  ability of emancipate sauls. that's why Buddha present his three laws on universe and four laws of enlightenment

Three laws about universe

1. Anicca (law of  impermanence , changing and differentiating )

every thing of universe is impermanent  there are no permanent materials , there are no permanent or eternal elements so there are no eternal things or immortal beings. ( not targeted on creator but also disproves immortal creator because all pretenders have to die )

2.Dukkha ( law of pain )

first law of changing gives rise to second law . there are three types of pains
 a) dukkha dukha . ( natural pain ) every thing is painful according to deep philosophy we don't get some as pain because we have  used to them.
b) viparinama dukkha ( changing pain ) all creatures live in a fantasy of immortality . but when seeing things are changing a pain arise.
c ) sankhara dukkha ( illusionary pain ) all things that caused due to  reasons vanishes and they are also painful ) ( reject the existence of truly happy heaven . all of them have problems )

summarisingly  . ( birth is a pain , aging , diseases and death is a pain , sorrow , mental stress , crying , tiredness is painful separating from beloved is painful mixing with unlike people is a pain . actually the life is a pain )

3. anaththa ( law of soullessness )

there's no any eternal or immortal spirit in any creature. actually theres no any thing call saul inside or outside. . and therefore any transfer of Saul does not happen after death or before death. (reject self and permanent existence of paramathma. the ultimate divine saul or holy spirit )

By all these facts you may find a answer about atheism in Buddhism according to your convention about creation.

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