Tuesday, August 9, 2016

Buddhism for open mind part 02

 Why things happen , What is the reason for vast differences of animals and the Karma theory in Buddhism

In Buddhism there is no an almighty  God who rules every thing and plans every thing in this world to be happened. There are no unchangeable destinies for people. Nothing has planned to be happened by any one. Then how things are happening .The word " Things" used here for describe following phenomenons .

1st stock.

 Earth quakes , floods , volcanic explosions , lightening , land slides , tsunamis,  etc

2nd stock

Biological things.

Mango tree gives rise another mango trees not banana trees, humans produce humans , apes produce apes by reproduction. Other things that happens in this pattern . ( There is a genetic material transmission in living beings )

3rd stock


some people are beautiful some are ugly some are intermediate
some are  rich some are poor
some are healthy some are ill
some lives long some dies young
some are disabled some are not
some are stupid some are intelligent

All other things that can be seen and cant be seen

Now how every thing happens in Buddhism . there are five rules describing this

1st rule

beeja niyama. ( law of seeds )

Explains all biological things including  genetics .  ( 2nd stock ) Mango tree gives rise another mango trees not banana trees, humans produce humans , apes produce apes by reproduction. Other things that happens in this pattern . ( There is a genetic material transmission in living beings )

If any scientist shows a banana tree produced by a mango tree ( grown from a mango seed ) , A human produced by an ape can it be happened according to Buddhism , Yes. of course , law of seeds can be deviated with the interferences of other four laws of this universe. so those things can be happened to some extent but without vialating other rules.

2 nd rule

 Dhamma niyama ( Law of Science )


Explains every thing in this material universe. The theory of reason and result . ( hethu phalavada ) In buddhism the reason and result theory is very much complicated . Its called multiple reasons and multiple results theory. there are primary reasons and sub reasons that are inter connected for each applicable system. and of course possible results and sub results that caused by them .

Eg : 01 Why earth quakes happen . how to examine this according to buddhism

1. What happened?  buildings were fallen . people died etc..
2. why is that ? because earth was shaken along with them etc...
3.why was earth shaken ?( reason) there are ten reasons that can shake earth crust including mobilization of magma inside earth mentioned in buddhism. There can be one or many reasons applied for any incident .

exercise : why earth rotates around sun ,examine this system with Dhamma niyama

other rules can be interfere for Dhamma niyama.

3 rd rule

Uthu niyama ( law of Time and environmental condition  )

this law can be interfere with other laws such as beeja niyama . in some animals gender is determined by temperature ( ex. Dinosaurs )some genes are switched on and switched off according to environmental conditions.

And some flowers blossom in summer, some in rainy season, some in spring  .

universal things including planetary motion also have different patterns with time periods that can be prescribed and forecasted by this law

4th rule

Kamma niyama ( law of karma )

this is a complicated topic. first you must answer these questions

1. what is karma in Buddhism ? Karma meaning deed or work that involves consciousness. any thing happens without consciousnesses is  not a karma. ( there must be an animal who is doing karma )

2. How karmas happen ? by body ,by words, by mind

3. What karmas are the most severe and powerful ? karmas doing by mind ( that's why animals other than humans also can )

4. Can a karma revoked back ? No one can

5. how many average no of karmas a person doing in a hour . ? ( millions . lesser no in sleeping )

6. what happens due to karmas. ? many things . karma involves every things . good karmas results good bad karmas results badly

7.How good karmas result ? giving person comfort , money , houses , cars , sexual desire , every thing he likes and eventually heaven and good births

8. How bad karmas result ? giving sorrows , poverty , homelessness , physical damages , unlike things, hell , bad births .

Explain  7 and 8 more ?

These two questions are called kamma vibhanga. The exposition of karma theory . How they result ,how they are weaken , how they lead rebirth . It can be fully understand only by Buddha.Any one who thinks them more will be mentally retarded and eventually becomes a mad person because the subject is very complicated and vast . there are three more subjects that make peolple who explore more making mad ( except buddha ) . They are the universe , the science and the Buddha ( Buddha's intelligence and qualities  are also very complicated and vast )

chulla kamma vibhanga sutta ( extremly  simplified version of karmic result for low intelligent people for their moral conduct  )

Why some people are beautiful ?  they havent done jealousy for beautiful peolple in past lives . they havent got angry in past lives . and they have done karmas that make them beautiful

Why some people are ugly ? they have been with jealous and have got angry in past lives and not done karmas to make them beautiful in this life .

Why some are rich ? they have given money to poor in past lives , have given alms to beggars, the things they have given are coming back to them with interest

why some are poor ? They have not given alms or money. sometimes they have stolen others things.

why some are born disabled  ( blind )?  they have causes others  ( people or animals )disabled , they have beaten others, etc..

wait a minute  Is that the only reason to be disabled ?

Exercise 02 : explain  the  birth of a blind baby according to buddhism ? answer should be included that other laws especially dhamma niyama and beeja niyama can be interfered for some extent and some times another law may cause blindness 100 percent

good ,  lesson again

why some dies young ? they have killed animals in past lives  they have shortened others lives.

why some live long ? they have abstain from killing they may also be kind to others and may be good physicians who treated others in their past lives. and they have done life elongating karmas.

every thing can be explained like this.

this is the interval for lowest iq students please go and do some karmas that make you intelligent in next life. and we are complicating the lesson .

ok . now can you tell me some good karmas?

there are ten types of good karmas that gives you happy results they include

1. Dana ( givings ? donations )
2.Seela ( moral disciplines / precept observing )
3. Bhavana ( meditations / the best source of doing good karmas )

exercise 03  part 01 .find other seven types of good karmas and their thousands of sub categories
                   part 02  And practise them
Clue . i who writing this and you who reading this is also doing two types of good karmas .https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Merit_(Buddhism)

ok .tell me some bad karmas

 ok , . killing , smuggling , telling lies , sexual misconduct etc...

 exercise 04. find simplified results of of bad acts mentioned here.

ok. now theres a good rule how to find whether an  act is bad or good (without asking God)

rule of identifying good karma

an act ( done by body , word or mind ) that reduce your lobha , dvesha , moha (three passions in mind simply desire , anger and stupidity ) and others lobha , dvesa or moha.

exercise 05: find references  and write an essay about lobha , dosa and moha. ( this should include 1500 other passion elements that arise from the roots of lobha dosa and moha )

the rule of knowing you have done a good karma or punna

Hadayam punayithi punnan ( the GOOD  pleasure arise in the heart is the sign of a happened good karama )

The rule of  guessing what karmas give what results.

yadisn wapathe beejan , thadisan harathe phalan . ( you have a harvest relevant to your agriculture plans )

1. seeds you planted  gives you them back not others. If you have did a karma that gives you beauty it does not gives you money in next life . but some times may.

ex. giving alms( food)  gives you five things 1. longevity 2.beauty 3. comforts 4. strength 5. intelligence because the person who consumes your donation get them
 if you donate a cloth to a needy person what will you get ? think first what did the needy person got. he got beauty by wearing it. he got rid from shame, he can protect himself from bad environment , cold, he gets comforts. etc.. they will be come back to you with interest .

exercise no 06  list 05 merits that can bring you longevity in next lives.

Now i said you will have an interest . how to calculate the interest . there are hundreds of teachings but i only teach one. find others.

1 st rule of calculating interest of a good or bad karma happening from donation and its opposite act stealing

in this rule the interest depends on the virtues of donor , the virtues of  recipient and the quality and quantity of  thing that gives or stolen . there is a sinhala article on this in this blog .

exercise 07   : find other rules

ok . our theoretical disscussion is over students of some what low iq can leave the class now.  Do some karmas that can increase intelligence. because this dhamma is not for stupids this is for wise

pannawanthassayan dhammo nayan dhammo duppannassa  ( " my dharma is  for intelligent people not for fools"
by  Buddha.)

OMG  low iq people what happens to them? .  this is very unfair .     NO


Viriyavanthassayan dhammo nayan dhammo kuseethassa ( my dharma is for people with courageous effort to unsderstand not for lazy sloths by buddha ) so fools also can understand if they are attempting to understand . Otherwise they should do some karmas to increase their intelligence.

Types of karma ( advanced teaching )

There are three sets and twelve types of karma

Karmic categorization according to resulting time periods

1. Ditta dhamma vedaniya karma ( karmas that give result  within the life that they were done )
2. upapajja vedaniya kamma ( karmas that give result not in life they were done but immediate next rebirth )
3.aparapariya vedaniya kamma (karmas that have the ability to give results in infinite no of times in future lives )
4. Ahosi kamma. ( weak karmas that are cancelling off before strong opposite karmas without having opportunity to give results )

no 1. karmas actually include lesser than 1/7 of total karmas in a life ( this calculation was done according to abhidhamma ) some terrible sins done in younger ages may result badly at old ages. there are many examples. some good karmas also result in same life. some powerful good karmas gives good results within shorter time periods. there are many teachings and tales about this.

 no 2 karmas  are usual and result in next life

no 3 includes karmas that added to our accounts in numerous past lives . we add more in this life. those good and bad karmas result when ever they get the chance. only buddha can describe them

 no 4 karmas are special they are weak good and bad karmas. any karma cant be cancelled off .only nibbana have the ability to cancel karmas .

this should be understood according to lona sutta.

if we add salt to a water glass it is salty taste. if we add salt to a big pond it does not have any interference to the taste of pond water. like that if we have many sins done this life and in past lves a small good karma will not be ever have the chance to be resulted. opposite is also possible.

karmic categorization according to the priority of designing rebirth.

this is a very complex teaching simplified in here. read carefully. rebirth is a complex phenomenon . It also governs by niyama dharma . mostly by the law of karma. first of all i ask you a question

there is a person who donate every thing . who observe precepts for life . who meditate every day . he dies. he have collected many good karma , very few bad karma ( any one cant collect one type of karma. every one have both ) but he can be born in hell or as a animal , as a hungry demon .

there is a person who kills , who robbers who is  lying  but he may born as a deity?
 this is possible according to buddhism . how can this be happened ?

this is the most dangerous thing in samsara. most dangerous thing in rebirth. it is unfair. yes . thats why we should stop rebirth and should attain nibbana.

this is happening due to priority of the karmas . Priority of karmas depends on their power.

1. Garuka karma : Very powerfull good and bad karmas

Very powerful good karmas cant be obtained by any act other than meditation. they include four dhyanas . metal trances and stable mental conditions that mind was stabilized in a good thought . the people who done good gruka karmas will be born in high heavens definitely.

bad garuka karmas include six karmas that result your next life definitely in a hell . they are
1. killing mother
2. killing father
3. killing an arhat
4. cause bleeding in buddhas body ( because any one cant kill buddha )
5.separating sangha brethren
6. stabilized infidelity

2. Asanna karma

if you havent done garuka karma in this life the second priority  is asanna kamma. the conception in your mind immediate before your death. this should be understood by abhidhamma ( deep buddhism ) and the way how rebirth happens. But its the thing happens . any good person can have a bad idea or memory immediate before death . because the mind is very unstable. he can remember only bad deed he did in his life. he may go to hell for ages. vice versa is also possible.

3.Achinna kamma
if you die without powerful asanna karma that can result your death any where . then comes achinna kamma. karmas that you liked more, you may done many good deeds reluctantly. but bad things interestingly . it may cause your rebirt in appropriate hell or in animal world.  opposite is also true.

4.kataththa karma
if your death happens due to an immediate accident or another reason that achinna kamma also cant come to your mind. then comes kataththa kamma. karma that you done more in your life. it may be a good karma or bad karma. resulting your birth in appropriate world.

You may be very dissapointed . But it is the thing happen . it is the law of universe. therefore remember dying moment is very important to a Buddhist.

karmic categorization according to mutual resulting

1. janaka karma ( the karma that resulting birth in a world . good janaka karma results good births and bad karmas in  a dugathi (hell and animals ))weaknesses of janaka karma also causes disabled births in human and animal worlds.

2. upasthambhaka karma ( good karmas help other good karmas to come out and give more good results. bad karmas help other bad karmas to come out and give more bad results . because we have infinite stocke of karmas like ocean this is very important )

3. upapeedaka karma. ( powerful good karmas resist bad karma uprising and reduce bad results .as well as powerful bad karmas resist uprising good karamas )

4upa ghathaka karma. ( powerful good karma may cancel bad karma that gave birth in bad life and end the life of the animal. powerfull bad karma can cancel good karma that gave birth in a sugathi and end the comfortable life)

the law of karma is over

05) chiththa niyama ( law of conciousness is the fifth law ) 

 exercise . find more about law of conciousness and list examples of interfering of chiththa niyama with karma

you must explore more and understand more on this . the class for intelligent students is also over. there is a special class for extremely intelligent students with abhidhamma  will be conducted in future for advanced teachings in karma theory.



  1. Saadu saadu saadu. Very good explanation and categorisation of karma.
